Pokemon Go


This was the most fun I’ve had in GO Battle League in a long time!

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  1. Going to be in Anchorage for a cruise soon! Can’t wait to get the regional! I see squirrels over here but I want me an electric one so bad!

  2. Lol all the ultra beasts Canon are based on animals combined with humanoid or real world connotations lmao its cool. Nhilego is a child girl and a jellyfish, buzzwole is a mosquito with a body buidler, pheramosa is a cockroach with a princess, guzzloard is the embodiment of gluttony so he's just a monster, xurkitree is a sparkplug with a Christmas tree, and blacephalon is a clown with a firework. It's quite intruging.

  3. Awesome, was waiting for this! Mine is 98%, level 49,5. Hoping for some more Nihilego showcase the following days, with Groudon. Anti flyers and anti everything on the ground, now also something for those kyogres.

  4. I hated it when I first seen it for some reason so I didn't raid , then I fell in love with the design, was happy to get the 4* when it was out recently and level 50 it !

  5. I just got a shlundo Nihilego! Perfect timing i got to watch your video Poke Ak! Time to grind some XL candies via trade and walk. Will porobably wait for it to comeback in raids for a long time.

  6. Bro i love this Pokémon and i didn't even know it existed til last year when it was in raids. The shiny is so glorious…i needa mirror trade one for lucky lol

  7. I got my hundo in nyc during the ultra beast raid release. Mines currently 4333. I love it which is why i farmed it so much. Havent been able to encounter a shiny yet

  8. Anyone else auto catcher not connecting until u unpair and re-pair the device

  9. the algorithm showed you mercy today lmao
    im scared to use mine because I know im gonna get matched with every garchomp, metagross, melmetal, dialga and kyorge under the sun.

  10. The reason your dialga gets to the yellow so quickly is because best buddied dialga gets db breakpoint in the mirror

  11. I just updated my app, and I realize my duomon egg isn’t spinning stops or gyms all day… at least 100 different. I’m bringing it here first because you’re my fav!

  12. Poke, at 14:40, regarding the dialga match-up. You need 15 attack in IVs, i think yours has. But the best buddy bonus adds 1 extra damage over jom best buddy dialga, so that's why yours is taking more damage, it's not frame skipping. Amazing nihiligo showcase, got myself a hundo and I've been contemplating powering it up to lvl 50 aswell

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